Probable course of the monetary system. 


July 2003.


The banknotes denominated in US Dollars are 646.2 billions. The circulating Dollars (M3) are 8,919.5 billions. The fine gold reserves of the Federal Reserve are 8,149 tons. The fine gold exchange is 12.77 Dollars for one gram. The value of the fine gold reserves is 104.104 billions of Dollars. The value of the reserves is equal to 16.11% of the banknotes denominated in Dollars.


The banknotes denominated in Euro are 386.347 billions. The circulating Euro (M3) are 5,967.5 billions. The fine gold reserves of the European Central Bank are 9,404 tons. The fine gold exchange is of 11.28 Euro for one gram. The value of the fine gold reserves is 119.947 billions of Euro. The value of the reserves is equal to 31.04% of the banknotes denominated in Euro.


The tickets denominated in Dhana are 100 billions. Every Dhana has a value of 25 Euro.


Forecast for the next months.


Devaluation of Dollar 59.99% (value of current 258.54 billions of Dollars in banknotes).  Devaluation of Euro 31.84% (value of current 262.33 billions of Euro in banknotes). The new fine gold exchange will be Dollars 31.92, par to Euro 28.19, for one gram. 


The tickets denominated in Dhana will have a value of 36.67 Euro, with an increase of 46.68%.  Every quota of 25 Euro of stock capital pawned to guarantee of every Dhana will have a value of 36.67 Euro.