To the Heads of State and Government and to the
Ministers of Treasury and Finance.
The total debt of the Earth's States is higher
than 25,000 billions of US Dollars and, due to interests, each year it increases
by more than double the world's gross product growth rate.
This situation rises from different causes that
it is useless to remind in this occasion.
It is indeed necessary and urgent to intervene
The Constitution of the Republic of the Earth
also provides to contribute to the balancing of national budgets.
Dhana is the currency of the Republic of the
Earth, entirely guaranteed beginning from its issue by a nominal value par to 25
Euro per 1 Dhana.
As it's known, Dhana currency has been issued
in order to redistribute the wealth among the inhabitants of the planet and to
bring money back to its original function of real wealth representation means.
Each inhabitant of the planet aged at least 16
and taking part to the Republic of the Earth is assigned 100 Dhana just against
the reimbursement of the emission cost or in exchange of one hundred working
The issue provided will amount to 492 billions
Dhana to be assigned plus 24.6 billions Dhana to be addressed to humanitarian
initiatives, for a total amount of 516.6 billions Dhana, entirely guaranteed by
a total nominal value par to 12,915 billions Euro, almost equal to 15,500
billions US Dollars.
The Dhana issued between the 14th of
June 2001 and the 31st of December 2003 amount to 150 billions Dhana
to be assigned (100 Dhana per person) and 7.5 billions Dhana for humanitarian
initiatives, which makes a total of 157.5 billions Dhana, with nominal value par
to 3,937.5 billions Euro (4,725 billions US Dollars).
The further issue of 50 billions Dhana to be
assigned and 2.5 billions Dhana for humanitarian initiatives provided to be
carried out within the 30th of April 2004 was put off after
considering that, in the current situation, the cost of the States' debt would
sensibly reduce the positive effects of the wealth increase rising from the
Dhana to be assigned.
To attenuate the negative effect of public debt
on the economy, we believe that the assignation of Dhana should be coordinated
with the reduction of the world's debt cost.
Pursuing this aim, we offer to every state an
interest-free loan for an amount par to the 35% of the Dhana addressed to the
inhabitants of the respective Countries, against the only condition that after
five years from each disbursement, the loan will be paid back through direct and
free assignation in equal parts (35 Dhana to each person) to the inhabitants of
each Country.
To be practical, the loan to each State would
be par to 35 Dhana (with nominal value equal to 875 Euro, par to about 1.050 US
Dollars) for each sixteen years or older inhabitant.
If this offer will be accepted by all
Governments, the States will be granted approximately 170 billions Dhana, with a
nominal value par to 4,300 billions Euro (approximately 5,166 billion US Dollars
at the current exchange rate), equal to more than one fifth of the world's
public debt.
Obviously, a specific financial contract
according to international law will be established for each State interested in
this offer, in relation to its particular situation and real requirements.
It is reaffirmed that the loan is completely
interest-free and précised that no seignorage or other cost will have to be
recognised to the disbursing body or to other subjects.
By considering the time necessary in order to
issue and entirely guarantee 170 billions Dhana, the disbursement of the loans
to every State could be carried out for half the amount within the 31st
of December 2004, for a quarter within the 31st of March 2005 and for
a quarter within the 31st December 2005.
All information about Dhana is published on the
following web sites: www.dhana.org, www.dhura.org, www.unigov.org e
We ask you to send us any communication on the
following e-mail addresses: dhana@unigov.org or dhana@allgov.org.
My best regards.
From the Head Offices of the Republic of the
Earth, 10 August 2004.
For the Committee of the Representatives of the
Republic of the Earth.
Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi
