The current situation of the whole universe is the effect of the
fundamental evolution rule, a rule that was probably set by chance after a
series of attempts, which took place just after the origin of the same
universe. The fundamental rule of evolution is selection. Selection rule is therefore the original cause of
the current situation of all systems and involves relations among different
systems as also relations between the parts of each system. Selection is carried out through a hierarchical[1] structure including also the human system and
all the systems this interacts with. The hierarchical structure
affects «structurally»[2] all systems and all the parts of
a system. It’s a classic[3] conditioning process, where an
objective stimulus[4] that goes together with a
subjective one[5] induces naturally a reaction
taken up by the subjective stimulus, also when the effects of the reaction
are one’s own sacrifice or annihilation. The human system finds itself hierarchically at the apex of the
systems it interacts with, and inside the human system it operates a
hierarchy arranging all its parts. Not only. The human system has escaped,
thanks to the effect of its «constructivism»[6], to the conditioning of the
structure that combines at least partially with other systems it interacts
with, it managed to overcome the limits imposed by the structure of the
universal system. That’s how an intersystemic «structural constructivism»[7] rose[8]. But this overcoming took place in regards to other systems and not
also inside it. That’s why we talk about «intersystemic» and not «systemic». We could assert that human system outclassed other systems but its
structure has remained hierarchical and its fundamental rule is still
selection. This contradiction is because while the human system in its whole
represents a power higher than the sum of the powers in each part, inside the
human system there has never been a group of parts able to represent a force
power to the sum of all its parts and, naturally, to the one of the entire
system. Evidently the general conditions[9] for this to happen were missing. Now, since at least three years, human system in its whole has reached
a level of development[10]
that the selection rule isn’t necessary anymore as also to maintain
the rule of selection and the hierarchical structure according to evolution. It’s therefore possible to change the hierarchical structure of the
human system establishing the rule of selection in a conarchical[11] structure, which would establish
the rule of indiscrimination. While the rule of selection allows a minority[12] to develop sacrificing the
majority of the parts of the same system for it’s own evolution, the rule of
indiscrimination[13] allows the complete allows
complete development in each part of the system. The hierarchical structure can be represented by a step pyramid and is
formed by many levels with different dyadic valence: each pert only
represents itself when addressing the parts on the higher level while it
represents the totality of the system when addressing the parts on the lower
system. The conarchical structure can be represented by a sphere formed by
many points each one interacting and performing tasks in regards to each
other. The passing from hierarchy to conarchy can take place through two
operative conditioning[14] consecutive phases, by means of
which the reaction of a subject precedes the objective stimulus functioning
as reinforcement and establishes the environmental conditions inducing the
repeating of a behavior. The first phase frees the hierarchical structure splitting the levels
and forms a helix shape structure where the levels are substituted by a
unique path by following which one can go up or down. The second phase converts the only helicoidal path in many individual
ones in the amount par to the parts of the system and forms a sphere. The actions necessary to activate the following two phases are the
following: 1) to carry out the first phase, at least one part must start from a
lower level, obtain a higher level close to the apex, acquiring the
instruments from it, go back down to a lower lever near the base, aggregate
the greatest number of parts on that level as possible and go back to higher
levels with them, this will bring to discussion the rule that keeps the
system together in a hierarchical way; 2) to carry out the second phase, at least one part must obtain the
apex of the helicoid and go down inside it to change the same apex in an axis
around which the sphere will turn. In the first stage, the more the ones acting go down, the greatest the
number of parts to involve and greatest the power rising from the involved
parts. In the second phase, the more the apex resistance towards those trying
to obtain it, the greatest the power of who goes down inside the helicoid[15]. At the end of the second phase, who transformed the apex in axis
ceases its function and is substituted by the parts at the center of the
sphere, which this way, will be free to modify its own axis and its own
rotating speed according to the behavior of the whole of its parts. With the conarchical transformation of its own structure, the human
system increases its own potential so much to be able to try for the
transformation of the closer systems it interacts with and finally, as effect
of the so-called strange attraction, all the universal system. At a certain point, just as now energy transforms in matter and
evolves in a hierarchical way adopting the solution rule, also then energy
will be able to transform in matter in a conarchical way by means of the
indiscrimination rule. The difference is enormous. While now part of matter uses other matter
to evolve, with the new rule each part of matter will only use energy,
allowing the universal system to reach an uninvolvible[16] stage. Now lets start from present, from the current situation, from the
effects caused by the fundamental rule of evolution. The current situation is made of a complex of requirements regarding humanity
and its environment, i.e. the systems humanity interacts with. The modification of the selection rule with the indiscrimination rule
requires a certain amount of time. The activation of the structure transformation process in a
conarchical structure requires certain conditions. In the actual situation, humanity doesn’t have the time to wait for
the new rule to avoid dreadful foreseeable and irreversible future effects of
the selection rule and there aren’t the conditions to change the structure. So, there is no time to wait the modification of the original cause,
but we have to intervene on the effects, that is to face existing real
problems. On the other side, to face and maybe to solve actual problems only
means to avoid the immanent irreversible situation but, once the solution
effects will be exhausted, other negative effects would come up. Also, the typical negative effects rising from the original cause
would sum up with the negative effects rising from the same results of the
solutions adopted in regards to the actual situation. This way, the only result would be to procrastinate in time a
situation that is really potentially irreversible. So, it is necessary to connect the solutions to the current situation
with the transformation process of the original cause that provoked the
situation. That is, effects must be faced and solved and at the same time the
transformation process to modify the causes of the effects must be started. Therefore, with Holos Global System, Kyberpay, Balaloka, Eija and Planet Fund the
greatest general interest material problems are faced modifying the effects,
i.e. the current situation, of the people with the problem solving method,
adopting solutions affecting the functioning of relations and human behaviors
(actions) inducing participation, while with other initiatives, among them Yati, one acts to
activate the transformation process of the selective and hierarchical
structure of the human system in a conarchical structure without levels. The result of the two initiatives will be the modification of the rule
of selection with that of non-discrimination. The carrying out of the Holos Global System, Kyberpay, Balaloka, Eija
and Planet Fund require ideas, resources and
organization. Ideas are the most convenient solutions to the most felt and urgent
problems. They derive from positive deduction but also from intuition,
imagination, ingeniousness, because only with intuition you can overcome
common places and, really, the appearance of the reality of the existing[17]. The resources come from different
sources: Sysbow[18], Debt-Equity-Swap[19], Ruling[20], Dhana and the same Kyberpay, Planet Fund and
others. The organization is the one provided by Holos Code
according to a process of reinforcing and strengthening subsequent phases. Three parallel structures are required, each one acting autonomously
and without the others knowing. The first one to cause a greater unbalance, through allostatic[21] overloading, being careful about
the allostasis, system self-conservation principle. The second one, to rebuild equilibrium setting the adjustment to the
new conditions. The greatest or minor success of adjusting processes is given
by the balance between the qualitative features of the events causing them
and the personal resources of the involved subject[22]. The third one, to manage the disequilibrium through diachronic[23]
synchronism and the Yojnana method[24]. The strategy to follow up derives from the concept of perceived
necessity asserting that the drive provokes the stimulus, the stimulus
provokes the impulse and the impulse provokes the action, considering the
function of one part derives from its attributes and from their relations
with the attributes of other parts. To cause disequilibrium sufficient to prevent other rules from keeping
the system together one has to make the current rules impossible to be
complying with. To do so, one has to consider, rules, customs, habits, commonplaces of
social, civil, politic, economic, moral and religious kind and affect the
behaviors undergoing them. Actions, events, must therefore influence the typical instruments of
the six behaviors, social, civil, politic, economic, moral and religious. To cause re-equilibrium one must give emulable examples in different
areas of the world and in respect to the different ethnic groups[25]. The essential concept is that the event
causes the rule from which other events rise, fortuitous or causative. Implementing this concept, one has to build a virtual grid of
actions, reactions, counteractions, etc. until the limit of logic, even if
considering that a set of effects are unpredictable and so often tactics will
have to divert from strategic forecasts. On the other side, one has to accept to choose for exclusion,
eliminating all that for one reason or the other didn’t show to be effective. There are no valid theories that can’t be put in to practice. Either the validity of a theory is concretely demonstrable and causes
positive results, or it’s not a valid theory, when it isn’t even a theory but
a simple empiric deduction or an indemonstrable and dogmatic axiom. One has to manage to combine pragmatism and instrumentalism with
gnoseological idealism, speculation and eclecticism, finding a synthesis for
action[26] but also for though[27].
And never use one’s own though capabilities and all one’s potential. One has to combine the idea of determinism with the Theory of chaos[28] and the butterfly effect[29], adopting different strange
attractors[30], with the Theory of chance[31], the Theory of games[32], the Theory of complexity[33], the Theory of interaction[34], the Flock behavior[35], the Paretian efficiency[36], the Equilibrium of Nash[37], the Theorem of Arrow[38], always considering the relation
between information, energy and matter and considering the starting stage[39] and the Theory of the merging
behavior[40]. One has to inform to win fear[41]. Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi [1] The word hierarchy comes from Greek
hierarchía, hierárches and means chief (from árchein, to
command) of sacred services (hierái), meant as mutual relation of
supremacy and subordination. The adjective hierarchical
comes from this word,
from Greek church hierarchikós, suitable to command, referred as a
hierarchy and its tasks: hierarchical structure; hierarchical power; what is
owe thanks to the place one holds in a hierarchy; hierarchically, following the
set of ranks of a hierarchy. Hierarchy has many synonymous but no opposite. [2] A structure is the systemic
organization arranging the parts of a system. Structural condition means the
influence of the structure on each part. [3] Classic conditioning is what is
also called behaviorism. [4] The objective stimulus involves all
the parts of the system. [5] The subjective stimulus involve on
part of the whole. [6] Constructivism is a philosophical
current developed beginning from the second half of the 20th century, according
to this current it isn’t possible to pursue an objective introduction to
reality because the world of our experience, the one we live in, is the result
of our constructing activity. [7] Structural constructivism
means the level of behaving autonomy in compared in regards of the structure:
for example, the choice of the way to go with a car depends on viability but
the way of driving depends on the driver. [8] Between the human system and the
ones it interacts with. [9] The lack of general conditions is
the effect of the selection rule and of the hierarchical structure. [10] Development level means the whole
of the system conditions regarding the people and what they use to compare
themselves. [11] Conarchy comes from Greek àrchein (chief, to command) and koiné
(common, union) and it means to command in common, together. Conarchy is the
opposite of hierarchy. [12] In 1900, the people living on Earth
were one billion, 99% of them, which is 990 millions, where poor. In 2000, of
six billion people, at least the 75%, i.e. 4.5 billion people live in bad
conditions. The poverty percentage has diminished but the number of poor people
who strive to live has multiplied by four. [13] The word indiscrimination is used
as opposite of selection. [14] Operative conditioning is what
reverses the phases of classic conditioning. [15] Because what’s needed to win a
reaction a stronger counteraction. [16] Ininvolvibile means the
evolution stage that can’t involve, i.e. go back. [17] Einstein used to support that a
scientific theory is the product of the imagination of a creative mind. [18] Sysbow stands for bow system. With
this method state resources are used to increase enterprise yield to be
addressed to productive investments. [19] The Debt-Equity-Swap is what is
used to change state foreign debts denominated in international currencies
(USD, EUR, JPY, GBP) in debts or national currencies. [20] Ruling means regulation. Some
ruling allow multiplying virtually the availability of capitals in legal tender
currency. [21] In the allostatic tuning theory
overloading corresponds to the exhaustion stage of the General adjustment
syndrome by Selye theory. That is when an allostatic load is added
of extraordinary disturbs or unpredicted events, passing on to an overload. [22] One has to consider temperament and
personality features, intellectual capabilities, cultural level,
social-economic conditions and the subjective echo of the event. [23] Diachronic is the moment of
the historical inquiry while synchronic is the moment of the analysis of
the fact itself. The term diachronic, as extension, is used to indicate all the
situations where a historical vision prevails in analyzing cultural as also
extra-cultural phenomena. In order that the wings of a butterfly cause a
cyclone, a series of linked conditions must concur. Not a process of similar
effects but a series of complementary events. [24] Yojnana means knowledge synthesis.
Yojnana is the only way to avoid the technostructure and the elites,
because the first are specialized and the second receive by the first the
information upon which they decide. [25] Because genetics is more
determinant than the context in one’s own perception. [26] Action synthesis means the whole of
certain action chosen among the entire one that could be carried out. [27] Though synthesis means deductive
synthesis combined with intuition. This is only possible if you dispose of more
information you can draw deductions from. [28] A dynamic system is called chaotic
if, infinitesimal variations of the surrounding conditions (or, generically,
variable entries) correspond to finished variations as output. Banal example:
the smoke of several turned on cigarettes in macroscopically very similar
conditions (pressure, temperature, airflow) follows each time very different
paths. [29] The butterfly effect is a phrase
that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on
initial conditions in chaos theory. The idea is that small variations of
the initial condition of a nonlinear dynamical system may produce large
variations in the long-term behavior of the system. [30] An attractor is a whole a dynamic
system evolves towards, after sufficiently long time. To be able to define such
whole an attractor, the paths that manage to arrive close enough to it have to
stay near it even if a little upset. Geometrically speaking an attractor can be
a point, a bend a variety, or even a more complicated whole provided with
fractal structure known as strange attractor. The description of dynamic
chaotic systems attractors was one of the successes by the Theory of chaos. A
path of a dynamic system on an attractor mustn’t satisfy any particular
feature, except the fact it has to stay on the attractor. Paths can be
periodical, chaotic or any other kind. [31] The original cause of chance is
necessity because the cause of chances coincidence, the cause of coincidence is
interaction and the cause of interaction is necessity. [32] The theory of games is the
mathematic science analyzing conflict situations and looking for competitive
and cooperative solutions through models, in other words a study on individual
decisions in situations where there’s integration among different subjects, at
such a level implying the subject’s decisions can affect the results attainable
by a rival, following a feedback mechanism. [33] According to the Theory of
complexity, greater is the quantity and the variety of the reactions amid the
elements of a system and greater is its complexity. Relations usually have
non-linear flows. A system is more or less complex depending on how many
parameters are necessary in order to describe it. Therefore complexity isn’t an
intrinsic property of a system, but it’s always related to a description, and
therefore depends on the model used for the description and on the considered
variables. [34] A situation in which two or more
objects (agents or systems) act one over the other is called interaction. It’s
the concept of a bilateral action, with different meanings for different
disciplines. More generally interaction is in any kind of communication (where
also receiving is an action) and in command, driving, machinery (where who
operates reacts to its own action). In fact often when interaction is
mentioned, it’s about communicating. [35] Flock behavior is a term used to
describe situations where a group of individuals react in a coherent way, with
no coordination between the single individuals. Such a group is called flock.
The term is used both to describe animal behavior inside the flock or the
flight, and in controversy to describe some human phenomena like speculative
bubbles and behavior in political demonstrations. [36] Paretian efficiency is achieved
when the allocation of resources is so that it’s not possible to improve the
condition of a subject without worsening the conditions of someone else. [37] In theory of games the Nash
equilibrium is a strategy profile (one for each player) in regards of which no
player is interested in being the only one to change. [38] No system could ever be totally
democratic. [39] In a physical system described by a
certain number dynamic variables, starting conditions are represented by the
whole of values that such dynamic variables assume in a certain reference
instant called starting instant. This way the starting conditions allow
defining the state in which the systems find itself in that particular instant. [40] A merging behavior can
appear when a number of simple entities (agents) operate in an environment,
making more complex behaviors rise thanks to collectivity. The property itself
isn’t predictable and doesn’t have precedents, and also represents a new
evolution level of the system. Complex Behaviors aren’t properties of the
single entities and can’t be recognized easily or deduced by the behavior of
entities from a lower level. The shape and behavior of a flight of birds or of
a fish shoal are good examples. One of the reasons why a merging behavior
takes place is that the number of interactions between parts of a system
increases combined with the number of components, allowing the potential
merging of new and unperceivable kinds of behavior. [41] Ignorance > Fear (anguish,
terror, phobia, paranoia, etc.) > Action |