The well-being level is proportional to the quantity of energy employed. The world's annual growth in energy production is lower than one per cent. During the last years it has been par to two tenths of a percentage point. Tejas is worldwide development plan for the utilization of energy. The program proposes to use all the energy sources (methane, biomasses, rivers, waterfalls, deserts, forests, tides, undercurrents, wind, sun, space, bacteria, nuclear power) and to search for new solutions (engines, machinery, facilities) in order to accelerate the increase of the utilization of energy resources.
The raising of energy production is obtained by means of a higher utilization of natural resources.
The carrying out of regional and local plans for the utilization of natural resources is necessary in order to achieve an optimum diffusion of the energy production. The only natural resource that is present in every inhabited corner of the planet is solar energy.
The utilization systems require methane conversion systems, biomass energy production machinery, dams, hydroelectric generation stations, heat-electric power converters, systems for the transformation of carbon oxides in oxygen, tide an undercurrent utilization facilities, wind power plants, solar panels, transformation of gamma rays in electric power, cold fusion nuclear power plants.
The resources necessary in order to accelerate clean energy production can be approximately estimated from 85 to 100 billions of EUR/USD, equal to 3.4 to 4 billions of Dhana, less than one per cent of the provided total Dhana emission (490 billions).
The organizational structure necessary in order to promote the plan is formed by a central group of 81 employees and 233 national groups each one made of 36 employees equal to a total of 8,469 attached to the project.
With this structure it is possible to carry out experimentations, find applications, promote the participation of the enterprises, of the states and of the private subjects.
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In the last fifty years the quantity of fresh water available per inhabitant of the earth has decreased down to less than half. The main causes are the population increase, the pollution and the global climate changes. The scarcity of available water on the planet could cause conflicts and wars in different regions. The usable river and lake water is only the three tenths per cent of the fresh water on earth, the seventy per cent is trapped in glaciers and permanent snow and the other thirty per cent underground. The Udaka program proposes to increase the quantity of available water and to improve its distribution.
The increase of fresh water availability will be obtained through the depollution of the existing resources and the realisation of the correct structures in order to prevent waist and leaks.
In order to give water to who hasn't any it's necessary to transfer the water from the basins that contain it and find new devices to use the available water in those areas where at the moment there isn't any.
The resources necessary in order to realize this double solution are approximately equal to 340 billions of EUR/USD, par to 13.6 billions of Dhana, which is the 2.8 per cent of the total amount of the Dhana that will be emitted.
A coordination group made of 144 attached and 233 national groups made of 108 attached for a total amount of 25,308 employees is the organisation needed to promote and carry out the plan.
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The Asana program provides free dispatch and distribution of food to who is risking of dying of hunger. During the last ten years the number of people suffering from hunger has decreased by five percentage points and a further reduction for something more than 40 per cent is previewed for the next thirty years. Today 777 millions of people suffer from hunger. It's mad, if you think that one dollar a day for each starved person would be enough to solve this problem, that is 284 billion dollars a year, the 0.65 per cent of the per year world's wealth produced.
In order to solve the food problem, who suffers from hunger will have to be fed for three years.
The conditions in order to allow each person to produce enough for its own survival and development will have to be created in two years time.
One meal a day will have to be donated to each starving individual for three years, in order to feed about 777 millions of people that suffer from hunger. The cost is of one EUR/USD each meal approximately equal to 285 billions of EUR/USD each year for three years, which is equal to 855 billions of EUR/USD, par to 34.2 billions of Dhana, the 7% of the total Dhana that will be emitted
The necessary previewed structure in order to carry out the program is made of 25,900 meal production centres with 6 employees (155,400), 77,700 distribution groups with 6 employees (466.200) and a coordinating central structure with 288 employees, for a total amount of 621,888 employees.
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Health is one of the essential conditions to live in a good way. More than half of the world's population can't rely on sufficient health assistance. The Ayus program provides research, therapy and prevention interventions.
Body health requests research, prevention and illnesses' treatment.
The modern rapid diagnosis instruments will have to be used together with the devices science offers.
This program can be carried out by means of the participation of the existing organizations, which would be assured the resources to strengthen their structures and face the problem in its totality.
About 450 billions of EUR/USD, will be necessary in order to ensure comprehensive interventions, that's equal to18 billions of Dhana, the 3.7% of the total Dhana that will be emitted.
The plan will need one central organisational structure with 72 persons in charge and 28 regional groups with 144 employees, for a total amount of 4,104 employees
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Illiteracy and insufficient information are among the principal causes of poverty and malaise. Hundreds of millions of human beings don't know how to read and to write and billions of persons aren't reached by proper information. The Jnana program proposes to increase global information and make it available to each human being.
According to the most recent data, 1.4 billions of people aged more than 6 years are illiterate. 7.7 millions of school structures (30 students for 3 hours for 6 turns a day), with at least 20 million teachers (70 students each teacher). This is the size of the problem.
Considering an expenditure of 10,000 EUR/USD per structure and an expenditure of 7,500 EUR/USD per teacher, we obtain a cost of 77 billions of EUR/USD for the structures and of 150 billions a year for the teachers for three years, for a total amount equal to 527 billions of EUR/USD, par to 21 billions Dhana, the 4.25% of the total Dhana that will be issued.
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(Social communication centres)
What's needed to achieve success is ideas, resources, organisation and, above all, communication instruments. The actual mass media technology - radio, newspapers, and television - induces the receivers to an aggregation process, i.e. a particular kind of imitation, instead of participating by emulating. There is an enormous difference between imitating and emulating. People imitate to «feel» like someone else, to assume identical attitudes, pretending to be what they aren't in reality. People «emulate» to understand how to think and to act in order to fulfil oneself, to really be how they would like to. The imitator's aim isn't to be, but to appear. The emulator «wants» to be and he tries to understand the logic process that others have adopted to be, he/ she then adapts it to his own qualities and attributes in order to become what he wants to be. He/she could have or haven't acknowledged his soul, but if he has wanted to be and if he will have emulated enough to be, he will feel to be like he really is.
To be acknowledged is the power of being compared with the others; to haven't been acknowledged is to have no power in comparison with others. The prevailing parts - which are and have the power of being - of the structure of our system exert their power so that we think we can without being. This way those parts will continue to be and to have the power to be and we will continue to think we can without being, being very little and being able to do almost nothing. Therefore to be one must want and must emulate. To be able to do one has to be and has to be emulated through a Socrates kind of dialectic process, by means of which demands and ideas are compared to be satisfied, and information concerning what should be best - or less worse - to do is received, produced and expressed. What's needed in order to carry out this dialectic process are spaces where different people can meet and confront them selves freely. These are the aims of a network of communication centres constantly linked with each other.
The Vadana-Karna program provides interactive meeting places on the entire planet, instituted following the same demographic parameters on all the territory. Each meeting place will be able to accommodate approximately 250 persons that will be able to communicate and confront them selves with the guests of all the others meeting places. The same participants can run such structure autonomously by paying a modest sum of about 500 euro per year, sufficient to be able to accommodate those people - approximately one third - that aren't able to sustain any cost but are available and interested to participate, eventually by offering their work instead of the fee.
The social communication centres are dialectic interactive instruments that allow groups of people from every part of the world to contact, talk and discuss between themselves.
The centres provided are 252,000 each one worth a 50,000 EUR/USD investment, for a total amount of 12.6 billions of EUR/USD, par to 504 millions of Dhana, one tenth of a percentage point of the Dhana that will be issued.
Each centre will have a person in charge, for a cost of 15.000 EUR/USD par year, par to a total amount of 3.8 billions of EUR/USD, 152 millions of Dhana per year.
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(Production plans)
Since ten thousand years ago the human being produces in order to live. First food, then production means and then finished goods. Production is the means to satisfy material needs and desires, often of vital importance. The Karoti plan provides a mapping of the demands and of the productive possibilities of the different regions of the planet and a global investment plan to adjust their productive capability, considering the social and historic characteristics of the populations.
The purpose of the regional and sectorial production plans is to individuate which development plans have to be carried out for each group of countries and in which fields.
The regions are: 1) North America, 2) North-Central America, 3) Central America, 4) South-Central America, 5) South America, 6) North Europe, 7) Central Europe, 8) South Europe, 9) Middle East, 10) North-Western Asia, 11) North-Oriental Asia, 12) Central Asia, 13) South-Western Asia, 14) South-Oriental Asia, 15) South Asia, 16) Australia, 17) North-Western Africa, 18) North-Oriental Africa, 19) Central Africa, 20) South-western Africa, 21) South-Oriental Africa, 22) South Africa.
Every region needs a group of 36 employees, coordinated by a centre with 144 employees, for a total amount of 936 people
The average cost for each regional plan could be about 25 million EUR/USD, plus the cost of the coordinating centre of about 200 million EUR/USD, for a total of 750 millions of EUR/USD, 30 millions Dhana.
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(National economic plans)
Each country has its peculiarities and every people has its demands. The Tetrakos plan proposes the promotion of new national economic plans in each country. The national economic plans aim to develop production and services. They provide the institution of new enterprises in order to increase production and create work.
The national economic plans' purpose is to carry out development plans considering the region in which each country is and the plans its national institutions have already set.
The necessary structure in order to carry out the plan is formed by 48 employees for each one of the 233 countries, coordinated by a central group of 700 employees, for a total amount of 11,884 employees.
The previewed expenditure should be approximately 2.5 millions EUR/USD each country and about 35 million EUR/USD for the coordinating centre, for a total amount of 617.5 billions of EUR/USD, 24.7 millions Dhana.
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(New enterprises' promotion)
Economy is based on enterprise. No plan will ever be carried out without the base on which the activities to perform are founded. The Nava program proposes the promotion and carrying out of new enterprises in each country, making the workers participate at their management. Part of the capital of each enterprise will be detained by a body the whom associates will be the workers of the same enterprise for all the period in which they will give their services to it.
Therefore, in order to develop production and economy, enterprises are needed.
342.000 new enterprises are provided for 83 million employees in three years, plus other 64 million employees in the next three years.
The resources needed in order to set up 342.000 new enterprises are 342 millions of EUR/USD, 13.7 million Dhana.
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(Universal enterprise)
Development, recession and revival are the fundamental economic cycles of economy. Cycles are due to several factors; one of them is the ratio between supply and demand. The Varga plan provides a group of enterprises that operate in different fields for each country coordinated by one unique centre.
The universal enterprise plan is a solution aimed to avoid and eventually overcome the cyclical crisis of the economic systems.
The constitution of one million new enterprises on the entire planet, is previewed with a total expenditure of approximately 5,000 billions of Euro, 200 billions of Dhana, i.e. the 40.8 per cent of the whole emission.
Initially the universal enterprise will employ about 50 million workers, with an induced activity of at least 100 million attaches to the linked enterprises. During the subsequent three years from the beginning of the activities, after the strengthening of the initiative, the doubling of the employees and of the production's value is previewed.
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Republic of the Earth
(World wide democratic government)
All the inhabitants of the earth can participate to the Republic of the Earth, a democratic government system.
It was founded the 1st of January 2001. The Constitution of the Republic of the Earth states a relationship system based on peace, well-being, freedom, democracy and solidarity. The Dispositions of Performance of the Constitution provide the rules to be implemented until the election of the International Assembly and then of the World-wide Government.
The institution of the Republic of the Earth, as planetary government in charge of unifying the development processes, mustn't be confused with a sort of new empire, but as an alternative to such prospect.
The Republic of the Earth doesn't reaffirm the concept of a new state but, above all, it confirms the sovereignty of peoples upon all the states. The idea that human beings could reach in a certain moment a sufficient self control level without the need of interventions of any authority, dates to the time of the origin of the state, considered as a means in order to promote the development of the maximum individual responsibility. But, as usual, as the instrument - the state - is established, it becomes the aim, that is because of the same old story: each part of a system tends towards its own maximum development until it reaches it.
Conceptually and historically, this strategy doesn't enable to overcome the state, exactly because the substitution of a dominant class with another one can't achieve it's maximum potential, therefore it isn't able to modify the vision of state as final aim.
The state can be bought back to its original function of individual maximum responsibility promoter only with its maximum development, because the maximum responsibility of each individual can only correspond to the maximum development of the state - intended as democratic state - making the same existence of the state useless.
Thus the idea of the Republic of the Earth considers that the exhaustion of the state can be obtained through the maximum expression of a democratic state, with the task of intervening where the states haven't been able to, therefore in order to overcome the limits they had in carrying out their function of contributing to the development of the inhabitants of the earth's maximum responsibility, to achieve a situation in which cohabitation is based only on spontaneously accepted and adopted rules, without the intervention of any pre-established authority like the states are.
The Republic of the Earth should therefore be intended as a new institution and not as an overlapping of institutions. The Republic of the Earth will have to start from the bottom, from the inhabitants of the earth, certainly not from the existing states, if not it would be an organisation made of states instead of citizens.
According to this vision, the Republic of the Earth is an expression of the earth's peoples, or better «of the earth's People» that, having acknowledge a totality of common reference values, want to change such values in pragmatic characters: at first because induced by the action of the new institution through the emulation process; then spontaneously adopted by each part (each individual), at the same time when each part achieves its own maximum individual strengthening.
As any other reality has a beginning and an end, also the state that began due to a necessity, will find its end only when it won't be needed any more.
To assert the authority of an institution of this kind one must prove the advantages rising by its foundation and use a proper strength in order to make it begin from the bottom to spread its shape and purpose.
It's impossible that the Republic of the Earth will transform its self in aim, because aiming the maximum strengthening and therefore its own final dissolution is part of its character. And it's exactly this aim-objective of final self-dissolution that prevents the transformation of its means-nature in objective.
The objective of the final dissolution through the maximum strengthening guarantees itself that the Republic of the Earth won't be able to act in order to steady its strengthening, but only as a means to strengthen the participants towards their aim, of achieving their own dissolution.
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(World-wide currency)
Value is the capability things have in order to satisfy necessities. The value measure is the ratio between things and necessities. The operation to calculate the ratio between something and the necessity it satisfies is based on what's called value measure unit.
Currency is a value measure unit. Dhana is the real value measure unit of material and intangible assets. Its economic base is made of capitals of enterprises, i.e. production means.
Each resource has a value because its function is to satisfy necessities. While some natural resources have a sufficient capability in order satisfy necessities without the need of any human action, others instead need transforming to achieve the capability of satisfying needs, desires and emulations.
Instinct, memory and bodily strength are human resources capable of satisfying the necessity of preserving, remembering and move. Air and water, if pure, nature fruits, and caverns are the environmental resources capable of satisfying the necessities of breathing, drinking, eating and protecting one self.
Different mental faculties have to be developed in order to achieve the capacity to understand, think, judge and deduce. Lots of fruits aren't usable at their natural condition if they are not cultivated or transformed. Grass isn't eatable if it isn't transformed. Lime can't be used to protect oneself if it isn't transformed in houses.
In the same way lots of other natural resources don't have the capability of satisfying necessities if they are not transformed in products.
To do this you need human activity, work. Human work is the means that uses physical and intellectual human energy.
Nearly all natural resources would not be of any value and wouldn't help anyone without being transformed in products through work. So work is what produces value because it's work that allows things to be able to satisfy necessities.
When defining a value measure unit you have to consider the intrinsic work standing behind things (products) and also, in almost all cases, work is the essential aspect that gives things their value.
So value isn't a relation between two or more things but between things and necessity. The value measure of something depends from the quantity of a certain kind of work used during the time unit, multiplied per the time it's taken to transform it in the condition in which it's able to satisfy the necessity.
Currency is the measure unit for value. This measure unit must be represented by work units, what else if not? Then we can define the currency, which is a value measure unit, as work measure unit. For a currency with a monetary base in work, the monetary measure unit would be a quantity of a certain quality of work.
While it is possible to establish exactly the time employed in work, it's impossible to define precise parameters concerning the quality and quantity of work in a time unit. So normal quantity and average quality terms will have to be used. Lets define then the monetary unit that measures value, as a normal quantity of average quality work in a certain amount of time. The size of such monetary unit is proportional to the obtained result. The more the productivity is high, the higher is the work value, and the higher is also the quantity of the monetary unit.
Dhana is the monetary unit that measures the work unit, i.e. the normal quantity of average quality work for a certain amount of time.
By increasing productivity also Dhana's value will increase.
Dhana has been introduced the 14th of June 2001, with the emission of the first 6 billions of Dhana, guaranteed by a capital worth 150 billions of Euro. Subsequently other 34 billions of Dhana were emitted, guaranteed by a capital of 850 billions of Euro.
The emission previewed is approximately 500 billions of Dhana, par to an emission value of 12,500 billions of EUR/USD.
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People die of hunger, thirst, privations, illnesses and aging. People also die because of accidents, violence and war. Man and woman, young and old, poor and rich, goodies and badies, the peaceful ones and the violent ones, the cunning and the stupid. All human beings die. Forever. You can live from one second up to more than one hundred years but then you die. We consider it unavoidable. We think its impossible not to die. We also die because of this.
Instead of rebelling towards this defeat of life, we imagine a life after death. It's a mystic vision. It's the denial of reason. The Kayamara program proposes to defeat physical death. Is it a mad act? Who's mad? Who rebels to death and undertakes to defeat it or who accepts it passively and surrenders to it? Is it impossible to beat death? Do we have to live to then die?
No we can live not to die. To beat death first of all we have to believe it's possible, and then we have to engage to make it become probable. Any human being can participate to this program. For love, towards himself and the people he loves. To let oneself and those we love die is mad, it's a responsibility that no one of us should take. Making death not necessary anymore, this is how to defeat death.
The cost previewed for this plan is 1.2 billions of EUR/USD, par to 48 billions of Dhana.
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